Airspace quiz
This quiz is designed to help glider pilots who are about to make their first cross-country flights. It is based on a lecture given by the late John Caton, who kindly allowed it to be used on this web site.
The quiz is based on the 2021 edition of the half-million scale aeronautical chart for southern England. There will be places where there is insufficient information on the portion of the map displayed to answer the question and you will need to consult your own copy of the chart. If you do not have the chart, you should still find the quiz useful but you will not benefit completely. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read the file.
The charts have been reproduced by kind permission of Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright NC/04/24904 and by the kind permission of the Civil Aviation Authority. They have given permission to reproduce these charts provided that they are not used for navigational purposes.
Click here to view the pdf file. (You can then download it, but note that it occupies 2Mb.)
The quiz is based on the 2021 edition of the half-million scale aeronautical chart for southern England. There will be places where there is insufficient information on the portion of the map displayed to answer the question and you will need to consult your own copy of the chart. If you do not have the chart, you should still find the quiz useful but you will not benefit completely. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read the file.
The charts have been reproduced by kind permission of Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright NC/04/24904 and by the kind permission of the Civil Aviation Authority. They have given permission to reproduce these charts provided that they are not used for navigational purposes.
Click here to view the pdf file. (You can then download it, but note that it occupies 2Mb.)
Airspace quiz (.pdf file)
Adobe Acrobat (untick the McAfee option!)